
Yesterday 💛💜💚

Birthday eats from yesterday: crawfish hand pies w/ crispy Brussels + blueberry cream cheese and Biscoff king cake cookies (and @Mtt’s choc chip cookie)
Louisiana’s “second winter” arrived (“almost, but not quite Spring” will be here next week, though, so it won’t last long), so cat snuggles this morning. Pretzel 🐈 was appreciative.

Some impromptu extra “school” time outdoors this afternoon: Finding tracks and identifying them 🦝 + picking dandelions, etc. and watching a timelapse video of how they morph from bloom to seed.
Cute lil’ hedgey Valentines Ro gave to co-op pals this week. She also made another whole set. And B made his own set with personalized pictures on each one. ❤️

I’ve so enjoyed cuddling up in bed every other night with my bud and reading two chapters of (our 1970 thrifted edition of) The Chronicles of Narnia series. We finished The Silver Chair last night.

Tried a new to me coffee this morning.

Another dinner photo 😌
Duck fat fries. Couldn’t set them on the table before little hands started reaching for them. 💛

What’s for dinner: Homemade red beans & rice with homemade cornbread and homemade ginger-ale-ish lemonade ✔️

Made a quick stop for some coffee in Texarkana (Nash), TX. Local Habit. Got The Hive, which is a honey, cinnamon, and vanilla latte. It was really good.

A most unusual (and really cold) day in South Louisiana.

My babies worked SO hard yesterday getting ready for a really big garage sale at our church. Proud of them.
More trampoline this afternoon. So, I grabbed the school books (upon their request, which I thought was a great one) and met them out there.

We’ve been on a Painterland Sisters skyr yogurt kick over here. My favorite is Blueberry Lemon. Ro’s is Savannah’s Peach. And B’s is Vanilla.

Trampoline time today. It had been a while.
I’ve made cornbread 4 times in the past couple of weeks. Been using ghee instead of oil and YUM.

The kids went afternoon camping, complete with backpacks full of things to do and snacks. 😊⛺️

How We Celebrated the New Year with the kids:
Charcuterie, sparkling cider, mixed treats, and a LEGO put together party
Gumbo cookoff for lunch today