Another day, another zinnia bouquet 😍

We’ve been spending evenings outside after dinner. I love it so much.

Fall weather in Louisiana accurately depicted in this photo of B from yesterday 😂

Date night ⛳️

Photo challenge, Day 3: Precious
Not from today, but she did wear this same dress and boots today, so… 💞

Photo challenge, Day 1: Abstract

Ro made a “pizza bracelet” for us all to share. All red so it won’t show stains. There was a lesson in there on why it shouldn’t be white or yellow also since her goal was to be able to wear it and not stain it. 😊❤️

A very important reminder from Rowyn

Painted up high today. Church foyer looking fresh.

Louisiana’s Old State Capitol

Going through 4th of July (actually, July 3rd) pictures. And just really love this of my girl and my cousin’s pups (Luna + Sadie). The dogs wore out before Ro did. She had so much fun. And she looks like she’s glowing a little here. ✨ It was somehow such a really nice evening in the scorching south.

Read outside this morning with our drinks of choice. Left to right: B - chai latte, Me - coffee, Ro - OJ

Green screen at the local news station today

Made sparkling strawberry lemonade, and it was yum (and pretty).

Proud of this painter 💙🌴🌊

Lemon balm 💛💚

The best

Kid in IKEA ☺️🤣
He actually thoroughly enjoyed the first while we were there. And most of the time after this photo was taken. 👏🏼 Good job, buddy.

Pipevine Swallowtail

A new-ish favorite habit of mine is to walk around the yard on Sunday afternoons checking the garden and plants and things. With a hot drink in hand, usually.