Guess what the first thing I’ll do when I get home will be. (Hint: ☕️)
Spent the last few days with family out of town. Mostly at my dad’s. It was a really good time.

From Sunday 😎💖

Lego shopping yesterday. Buddy bought his little sister a Lego with his own money. Because he was proud of her for handling a hard week well. 💛

Drive home this afternoon

Thrift finds from last week in Natchitoches:
2 Magic Treehouse books to add to our library
3 tiny photo frames to make into ornaments
A Christmas train mug because I thought the kids would like it
A duck picture thing for the bird wall in our guest bathroom
A Study Bible in really great condition

Grocery shopping with my girl

My dad and I just had a lengthy phone conversation (then continued through text) about giant cicada-killer wasps (I saw one earlier this afternoon for the first time) and marbled orb weaver spiders (he has one in his shop). That was all after we talked about birds for a while. 🤓❤️
One of my favorite pictures from June: Him reading Sydney and Taylor Explore the Whole Wide World (a cute and funny short chapter 3-book series about a skunk and a hedgehog) to her

A glimpse at a large portion of today’s entertainment for these two

Kids are in second day of swimming lessons this year. So, of course, we’re all dreaming of a pool.
We’ve also been discussing getting new bikes as a family. None of us currently have one.
First thing this morning at lessons, Ro said, “Instead of bikes, can we get a pool?”
Even trade, for sure. 🤪
It’s a good thing my life doesn’t depend on cutting up a watermelon quickly.
Zinnias that need some pruning, but that are still providing lots of joy

I’ve gotten rid of 3 houseplants in the last month, and that feels like a pretty big deal but also not.
Goggle pics (from Tuesday) are funny.
Favorite lemonade, for sure. Basil ginger. From a local favorite place to eat—Taco Sisters. The food is good too. 😊

New fans of Top Golf here. We had fun!
Saunas simply are not needed in South Louisiana. You can have your own personal one anytime you step outside from May to about middle of October (and many other days sprinkled in the months not mentioned). Choosing to be thankful for daily detox sessions (and the loads of laundry that go with them).
This morning’s sunshine and a chocolate cheesecake protein shake I make for me and my boy once or twice a month…usually just whenever I have a little leftover cottage cheese

Thrift finds from last weekend in Bossier visiting my fam
Pretty little hummingbird mirror is for my girl’s room because she’s recently loving them (and all other sorts of animals)
Fiesta mug is to add to my Fiesta collection
Framed barn print is to put in my laundry room with some other old art