Hanging out in the pantry last night during a tornado warning

Happy gal and her reflection in a glass refrigerator door

Roadkill I’ve seen the last few days: squirrel, possum (or opossum, if you prefer), alligator, and a bird (I think a hawk).

Brigsby found a great blue heron in the trees today instead of at the pond. Can you spot it?

A great blue heron perched in some trees

Finally started this this morning. 🎉

Kingfisher LEGO box sitting on a table ready to be put together

It has been a FULL couple of weeks, and I am just really excited to be HOME (almost) all day tomorrow.

Trying to decide if I’m going to start letting badge notifications prod me to get things done in a more timely fashion.

Filled out a form for my kids to attend an event. Had to put their ages, but was instructed to mark myself as “adult.” Something about that just sank in. I feel like their adult, their parent. But I don’t always feel like simply an “adult.” 😜

Spring foliage. Not sure why, but I feel extra accomplished to have these irises that will bloom this year on the edge of our pond. #mbapr

Iris foliage on the edge of a pond

One of our favorite card games: Skyjo #mbapr

So excited for garden flowers coming soon! #mbapr

One single Zinnia (Envy) bloom

Searched “toy” in the Photos app on my phone. There were lots of options. But this was one of my most recent favorites. We love to LEGO over here (LEGO was in a big percentage of those photos that came up). #mbapr

4-year-old girl putting together a Lego set

She had a birthday this week 🎉

We went to our homeschool co-op, had waffles for lunch, she opened presents, competed in a Pac-Man tournament (she won!), and had mac-n-cheese (per her request) for dinner.

Just real happy baseball is back.

Found a baby turtle last week. Fascinated at its beauty. After the kids observed it a while, it made it safely into our pond.

A baby turtle

Thrifted all of this for $1.50 yesterday

A photo of 15 children’s books and a framed embroidered portrait of some canoes along a pier

Spring Equinox craft (by my girl) at co-op today

A hand holding up a craft project consisting of popsicle sticks backed with clear packing tape, sticky side up, and foraged wildflowers arranged prettily on top

Planted two trees today. And that always makes me want to plant a loooooot more.

Traveling for the first time since Christmas. To see my family 3 hours away. Which was the last place we traveled as well. Looking forward to this trip. But also excited for some other destination trips coming up soon, I hope.

Co-op Tuesday

Learned about minerals and rock characteristics.

Also did some rock painting with these cool acrylic paint markers (pictured) and got free basalt stone arm massages from our in-house masseuse (aka a homeschool mom). 🙌🏼

A young girl using an acrylic paint marker to decorate a river rock

Scraped my knee on concrete this afternoon, but probably not in the way you might think.