Lemon balm 💛💚

The best

B recapped our date night to his daddy last night telling him that we went to Fat Pat’s (to eat), and “Man, did we laugh.” 😊

A good date night with my boy.

Kid in IKEA ☺️🤣

He actually thoroughly enjoyed the first while we were there. And most of the time after this photo was taken. 👏🏼 Good job, buddy.

Pipevine Swallowtail

A new-ish favorite habit of mine is to walk around the yard on Sunday afternoons checking the garden and plants and things. With a hot drink in hand, usually.

Inspiration: Beach-y Bags from Target

I love bags! Like a lot. It’s probably what some would call a toxic trait. But there could be worse things to need to improve upon, I think. I mean, bags are pretty functional. Anyway, here’s a round up of some of my favorite beach or beach day inspired bags from Target right now.

  1. Striped Tote Handbag
  2. Green Crochet Crossbody Bag
  3. Checkered Beach Tote Handbag
  4. Yellow Crochet Tote Handbag
  5. Pink Campus Tote Handbag
  6. XL Straw Tote Handbag
  7. Striped Mesh Tote Handbag
  8. Straw Boxy Tote Handbag
  9. Striped Straw Tote Handbag

Photo challenge: Early (sunrise on Haleakalā in June 2015)

Photo Challenge: Patience

Inspiration: Color Crushing on Blues from Target

Signs of Spring 🌱

Brigsby needed a bookmark.

Shuttle Pen Valentine’s Day Exchange Gifts

On Monday, a precious homeschool group we are part of met up for a Donut Shop Valentine’s Party. A family in our group owns a donut shop, so they invited everyone to come see the process of making donuts on a large scale, and then, the kids decorated mini donut king cakes (‘tis the season in Louisiana). It was so sweet (in more than one way) and special!

After the tour and decorating fun, the kids all exchanged Valentine’s cards and little gifts. Side note: homeschool kids still get to do all the fun things! I kind of had an idea of what Brigsby would bring, but didn’t make a final decision until the night before (with his help). Honestly, that’s usually how I roll.

His gift and Valentine’s card came together sooo cute, and I was proud because I created it myself. Super easy. So, thought I’d share. And bonus: IT’S NOT CANDY!

I searched Pinterest a week or so ago for some Valentine’s exchange ideas. Found some cute things, but not a combo of anything I liked (or wanted to pay for). In searching, though, I came across these cute shuttle pens! I ordered them just in case since Amazon returns are pretty simple.

I moved on from them thinking we’d do some cute stickers with a card that said, “Stuck on you.” But the night before, Brigsby and I decided we preferred the pens for the exchange.

So, Monday morning, I quickly (which isn’t usually the case) pulled up a flash card template in Canva, deleted everything except the layout, and made these “cards” that say, “You color my world.” Perfect for the colorful ink in the shuttle pens! I printed them on card stock, and they came out so nice!

I should’ve pulled out my paper trimmer to probably speed up the process a bit, but it actually didn’t take long to cut them out. And I would’ve had to do the rounded corners (which I think make things look extra nice!) with scissors anyway.

After I got them all cut, we stuck the cards in the pen clip, and voila! Homemade, purposeful, and not super cheapy Valentine’s gifts!

I’ve worn barefoot shoes (zero drop and wide toe box) almost exclusively for a month. Wore “normal” boots for two days in a row—Sunday and Monday,—and my feet ached so bad both of those evenings.

Inspiration: Valentine's Inspired Finds

Popcorn (coconut oil and salt) and dark chocolate has become one of my go to snacks lately.

Inspiration: Pretty Vases at Target

I came across a gorgeous green vase last week while browsing on Target’s website. That sparked a long search of other vases currently available at Target. There’s some goooood ones! So, with Valentine’s Day and Spring (yay for flowers picked right out of the yard!) on the way, I compiled them into this graphic to share.

Here are the links if one or twelve catch your eye and you want more info.

  1. Small Carved Cream Vase
  2. Modern Arched Ceramic Channa Vase
  3. Round Ceramic Vase
  4. Tall Swirled Clay Marble Vase
  5. Medium Ribbed Sculptural Glass Vase
  6. Tall Ceramic Textured Vase
  7. Fluted Glass Vase
  8. Small Ceramic Vase
  9. Small Footed Ceramic Vase
  10. Small Geo Pattern Vase
  11. Modern Ring Ceramic Camilla Vase
  12. Small Tinted Glass Vase

On our road trip over the last week, this is one (of many) of my favorite memories: My bud requested a coffee date with me. Never done that with him before. It did not disappoint.

my boy sipping coffee in downtown Hot Springs

Been traveling since last Tuesday. And it’s been great. On the way home today. And I’m honestly excited to get home and use my own washing machine and dryer and make my own coffee.

Bud bought his own Nintendo Switch that came in Thursday. He decided to share, so we’re having a Mario Kart family round robin this morning. ✨✨✨